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ShineTrust: Shopify Trusted Upselling & Cross-selling Tools

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Introducing ShineTrust Update with Buy X Get Y and Analytics 2023

Introducing ShineTrust Update with Buy X Get Y and Analytics 2023

Introducing ShineTrust Update with Buy X get Y and analytics

The most recent version of ShineTrust has just been published, and it includes some fantastic new features. With this upgrade, users will have even greater freedom and usability when designing custom pages.


ShineTrust has improved Buy X Get Y in this new edition to make it simpler for you to set up a promotion for your shop. The Analytics component has also been enhanced to provide customers with access to more sophisticated data control features.

New Feature: Buy X Get Y

A Buy X Get Y deal has to be applied to the precise quantity of discounted items in order to build tiers. For the purpose of determining discount eligibility, the entire cart volume is considered. As an illustration, a customer has four goods in their basket, three of which are eligible for the Buy 3 Get 2 Free promotion. There must be two free goods in order to be eligible for the discount, so the remaining product is insufficient.


When a customer has numerous eligible items in their shopping cart, B2C Commerce prioritises the Buy X/Get Y deal on the eligible product groups with the largest number. In order to    maximise value for the customer and avoid giving out further Buy X Get Y discounts, this makes sure that the highest Buy X Get Y deal is applied first.


When more than one Buy X/Get Y tier promotion threshold applies to the cart quantity, B2C Commerce only applies the best deal. For illustration, a customer has six items in their basket. Because the Buy 3 Get 2 free promotion is a better bargain for the customer, it gets applied to the basket instead of the Buy 2 Get 1 free promotion.


A product cannot be considered for more than one Buy X/Get Y offer in the same basket inside the same tier with the same Buy X Get Y promotion. They may be taken into account for subsequent deals, such as another Buy X Get Y, though. For instance, a cart has four items in it. Following the application of the Buy 3 Get 2 free offer to the first three goods, B2C Commerce then applies the Buy 2/Get 1 free promotion to the fourth product.

Buy X Get Y

Right now, we support two different kinds of promotions: Discounts and Free Gift.


  • Discount: A common marketing tactic is to offer a discount when you buy X and get Y. Customers will receive a selection of additional goods as special offers when they purchase a specific amount of products. Offering Buy X Get Y discounts will help you grow your brand, draw in new consumers, clear space in your store, enhance sales, and make room for a new line of merchandise.


  • Free Gift: Free gifts are something that never grows old. People prefer freebies. And if the items are of extraordinary value, they are especially pleased. This advertising strategy can help you gain more AOV while also fostering client confidence. You must choose the Free Gift Option in order to put up an offer like the one below. Select the primary item(s) and the gift item(s). Remember to configure the messages to match your sale promotion. 


Can’t access the reports you need? No problem—talk to us directly via live chat!


Refer to Introducing a New Feature: Buy X Get Y – Increase AOV with the same traffic.


What websites are sending customers to your shop? Where are your visitors from throughout the world? How did last year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing efforts go? What goods are people most interested in?


You have many inquiries regarding your company, your clients, and your marketing initiatives. Thankfully, many of those questions have answers in the Analytics.


You open your analytics tool at the end of the day (or week) or month and make a note of some important numbers. Traffic is up 2% over the previous week. Nice!” You congratulate yourself and perhaps even dance a bit in your chair.


That is reporting on data. Up is better than down. 


With ShineTrust’s Analytics, you can examine recent activity on your store, learn more about the people who are visiting it, analyse performance data (such as load times), and much more.


Analytics are available on dashboards in the ShineTrust app. You should be able to view them on the left-hand menu after logging into the ShineTrust app in your Shopify store.

Analytics 1

In the past, we divided Analytics into 4 categories: Sticky To verify this portion, you had to click on each feature for Add to Cart, Quantity Discount, Bought Together, and Buy X Get Y. ShineTrust has merged it into a distinct part called Create Convenience for All Business Owners after realising, following a period of testing and polling opinions, that such isolation makes it harder for customers to compare and decide.

Analytics 2

Analytics reveals high-impact development prospects to maintain competitiveness and demonstrates how your store is doing in the marketplace. You may learn what motivates customers to return to your business and which stores you’re most likely to lose by doing this. You may evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing channels by sales, sessions, orders, conversion rate, average order value, and the number of first-time customers using real data from your business.


In-depth research may also be done using analytics, as well as product comparisons between all the items your consumers have purchased. Then, based on the preferences of your clients, you may construct certain items you want to track jointly by developing a section based on who purchased product A in the previous X days AND who purchased product B in the preceding X days. Still, it is possible to test every function effectively and conveniently.

Sum up,

Our main focus is always the performance of our products, and it’s time to upgrade our analytics infrastructure. This fantastic tool is used by many ShineTrust users to assess the worth of pages made using ShineTrust. The current blog update has come to an end. We hope 2023 will be a great year for business.



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