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How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

With a Shopify countdown timer, you can show customers how much time they have left to take advantage of a limited-time offer. This can help to encourage them to buy now rather than wait.

There are a few ways to add a Shopify countdown timer to your store. You can use a third-party app or add the code yourself. If you need help with adding a countdown timer, don’t worry. We’ll show you how in this article!

What is Shopify Countdown Timer?

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title - 1

Shopify countdown timer is a simple tool that displays the amount of time remaining until a specific event, such as the end of a sale or the launch of a new product. When customers see a countdown timer, they are reminded of the limited time to take advantage of a particular offer. This can create a sense of urgency and scarcity, leading to more sales.

This tool can market your products and services in various ways. Here are a few examples:
  • Increase sales during sales and promotions.
  • Boost conversions on product pages.
  • Drive traffic to your store.
  • Upsell and cross-sell products.

How to show a countdown timer on the product title?

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title - 2

Using code

One of the ways to show a countdown timer on your product title is to use code. This method requires some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but it gives you more control and flexibility over the appearance and functionality of your countdown timer.
The basics of a countdown timer are :
  • Specify a valid end date.
  • Calculate the time remaining.
  • Convert the time into a format that can be easily utilized.
  • Produce an object that stores clock information for later use.
  • Exhibit the clock on the page and cease its movement once it hits zero.

Here is an example code for a Shopify countdown timer with CSS using JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>



        <!– Add style/CSS –>


            body {

                text-align: center;

                background: #00ecb9;

                font-family: sans-serif;

                font-weight: 100;


            /* Styling for heading */

            h1 {

                color: #396;

                font-weight: 100;

                font-size: 40px;

                margin: 40px 0px 20px;


            #clockdiv {

                font-family: sans-serif;

                color: #fff;

                display: inline-block;

                font-weight: 100;

                text-align: center;

                font-size: 30px;


            #clockdiv > div {

                padding: 10px;

                border-radius: 3px;

                background: #00bf96;

                display: inline-block;


            #clockdiv div > span {

                padding: 15px;

                border-radius: 3px;

                background: #00816a;

                display: inline-block;


            /* Style for visible text */

            .smalltext {

                padding-top: 5px;

                font-size: 16px;





        <!– Title or heading –>

        <h1>Countdown Clock</h1>

        <div id=”clockdiv”>


                <!– Show No. of days –>

                <span class=”days” id=”day”></span>

                <div class=”smalltext”>Days</div>



                <!– Show no.of hours –>

                <span class=”hours” id=”hour”></span>

                <div class=”smalltext”>Hours</div>



                <!– Show no. of minutes –>

                <span class=”minutes” id=”minute”></span>

                <div class=”smalltext”>Minutes</div>



                <!– Show seconds –>

                <span class=”seconds” id=”second”></span>

                <div class=”smalltext”>Seconds</div>



        <p id=”demo”></p>

        <!– Adding JavaScript code –>


            // Getting formated date from date string

            let deadline = new Date(

                “dec 31, 2023 15:37:25”


            // Calling defined function at certain interval

            let x = setInterval(function () {

                // Getting current date and time in required format

                let now = new Date().getTime();

                // Calculating difference

                let t = deadline – now;

                // Getting values of days,hours,minutes, seconds

                let days = Math.floor(

                    t / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)


                let hours = Math.floor(

                    (t % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) /

                        (1000 * 60 * 60)


                let minutes = Math.floor(

                    (t % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60)


                let seconds = Math.floor(

                    (t % (1000 * 60)) / 1000


                // Show the output time


                        .innerHTML = days;


                        .innerHTML = hours;


                        .innerHTML = minutes;


                        .innerHTML = seconds;


                // Show overtime output

                if (t < 0) {




                    ).innerHTML = “TIME UP”;



                    ).innerHTML = “0”;



                    ).innerHTML = “0”;



                    ).innerHTML = “0”;



                    ).innerHTML = “0”;


            }, 1000);




And this will be the output:

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

When time’s up, it will be like this:

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

Using app (ShineTrust)

Another way to show a countdown timer on your product title is to use ShineTrust app. ShineTrust is a powerful app that allows you to create and customize countdown timers for your Shopify store in minutes. With ShineTrust, you can choose from different countdown timer types, styles, and positions and set up various rules and triggers to display them to your customers. You can also track and analyze the performance of your countdown timers and optimize them for conversions and sales.

To add a countdown timer to your product titles using the ShineTrust app, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Apps page in your Shopify admin.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

Step 2: Search for the “ShineTrust” app and install it for your store.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

Step 3: Input your Shopify shop link and connect it to ShineTrust app.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

Step 4: After going to the Dashboard, turn on the ‘Countdown Timer’.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

Step 5: Click ‘Add New Countdown’ on the left-side panel and choose ‘Show in Product title. Then click ‘Next’.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

Step 6: In this example, I’ll create a timer for my Christmas campaign. So the countdown name is ‘Christmas Sale’.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

In the ‘End time’, input the 26 Dec 23 – the day when Christmas is over. I keep other settings as default since it already meets my needs.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

After that, click the purple button ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner of the page.

Step 7. Now I’m at the third stage: Targeting. For this example, I want to promote the book A Compendium of Witches Oracle for my Christmas sale, so I’ll only choose that book. The countdown will display on the right panel of the page.

How To Show Shopify Countdown Timer On Product Title

After that, I’ll click the purple button ‘Next’ at the bottom right of the page.

Step 8: Done! The countdown timer will now be displayed on my book A compendium of Witches Oracle product titles. As you can see, there is a countdown under my product title, which is counting towards my set end date (26 Dec 2023).

Final words

Adding a countdown timer to your Shopify product titles is a great way to increase sales. By creating a sense of urgency, you can encourage customers to buy your products now before it’s too late. So what are you waiting for? Start adding countdown timers to your product titles today!

Picture of Lan Anh

Lan Anh

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