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How to Convert Your Shopify Online Store Visitors Into Customers?

How to Convert Your Shopify Online Store Visitors Into Customers?

Shopify is an ideal platform for launching an online store. But how can a high visitor volume be converted into a higher conversion rate? Here are some suggestions to help you increase the conversion rate of your online store.

Why Your Shopify Store Can’t Convert Visitors Into Customers


Many reasons explain why your Shopify store can’t convert visitors into customers. These are seven common reasons that you can refer to to find out the problems with your online store.

Target Wrong Visitors


Although you receive a lot of visits, your conversion rate may be low, mainly because you might be attracting the wrong type of visitor. If customers visit your online store and are unable to find what they’re looking for, they will leave without a doubt.

Layout Of Your Shopify Online Store


Most of the problems come from your landing page or the layout of your online store. No matter how many visitors you bring to your online business, if the design of your website is terrible, you will never make any money.


Your website is a digital representation of your business; if it looks bad, people will think the same about your goods or services. Customers should experience an unforgettable rush when they browse your online business. Therefore, you may choose a theme that suits it and stylishly customize the layout.

Optimized For Mobile Devices


Nowadays, most people shop on their mobile phones. They prefer to surf on a high-speed loading page than on a website that runs very slowly and is not optimized for mobile devices. This is the reason why you should pay attention to the mobile view of your online store before launching a marketing campaign during sales seasons.


A typical page load time for website visitors is 5 seconds. You will lose 70% of your potential customers to your competition if your store’s total load time is over 5 seconds. 


Because there is so much competition for consumers’ attention, online customers have a very short attention duration. If you do not provide them with the information you have for them as quickly as possible, they will go on to the next brand.


Several factors could slow down your Shopify online store.


  • Large-format image: For the best speed, your web page’s total size shouldn’t go over 500KB.


  • Too many animations and videos: While animation and video are fantastic methods to add interaction to your website, too many animations and videos will severely slow it down.

Duration Of Discount Offers


One of the best marketing strategies is a discount offer. Everyone enjoys getting expensive items for less money, and this will encourage them to act. You will be unstoppable if you can master the technique of combining the ideas of limitation and time limit. 


Your objective is to persuade them to “Buy It Now!” People like to put things off and find reasons to do so. Making people believe they are about to miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is the simplest method for getting this.

How To Improve Shopify Online Store Conversions

Now you know clearly what makes you not have a lot of customers while your Shopify online store gets high-volume traffic from visitors. In this part, we will give you some tips to improve your conversions.

Optimizing SEO


If you want to drive the right type of targeted traffic, you might need to review your SEO strategy. First of all, let’s start with keywords!


Although using general keywords can boost traffic, it’s more likely that your visitors were searching for anything specific. Additionally, using phrases unrelated to your business is worse. 


Your conversion rate will decrease even further if you strategically place popular search terms throughout your website to increase traffic while confusing visitors by loading your product page with keywords that aren’t relevant.


Instead of using general keywords, highly optimized ones with detailed descriptions and some promotion phrases, like free shipping, can attract more people who have an interest in making a purchase. The difference is how you include content purchases in your SEO phrases.


You can refer to the Shopify Complete SEO Checklist for 2023 to optimize the SEO of your online store.

Gain Trust From Review And Testimonials


An effective strategy for brand recommendation, social proof is especially useful for winning the trust of new customers. You can promote the good qualities and greatness of your products and services all you want, but consumer reviews are 12 times more trusted than your own words.


Additionally, 88% of people believe online reviews to be trustworthy, which is a belief you must apply to your advantage. Reviews and testimonials increase customer and business trust. Choose informative and unique reviews to let your customers know what to expect from your business’s offerings.

Encourage The Visit


First-time visitors are very valuable if you operate an online store because they are the most challenging to attract and keep. According to studies, it costs five times as much to bring in new customers as it does to keep a current one. 


Additionally, selling to a current customer has a success rate of 60-70% whereas selling to a new customer only has a success rate of 5-20%.


This is because they are unfamiliar with the business’s name. In this situation, it makes sense to offer rewards and promotions to help them feel special and valued at your shop.


Consumers enjoy discounts. In this way, if you give discounts and coupon codes, you’ll increase the chance that the visitor will buy something from you.


This would increase the lifecycle value of the consumers and make them repeat customers, in addition to reducing your bounce rate and optimizing lead conversion rates. Your brand would gain twice from this, as you would increase both your growth and retention rates!

Optimize The Layout Of Your Online Website


How customers interact with and use your online space is affected by the layout. 


A good layout is simple and displays the most important content and items “above the fold,” or in the area of the page that is immediately visible without having to scroll, similar to the front-page headline of a newspaper. To arrange everything neatly and orderly and make browsing easier, it also uses grid systems.


Additionally, you can focus more on the imagery, color scheme, and typography that can help customers visualize your brand better on both desktop and mobile devices. A friendly design can convert visitors who visit occasionally into devoted customers.


Here are some points to keep in mind while you optimize the layout of your Shopify online store:


  • Selecting a responsive theme that can automatically adjust its layout according to the devices viewed
  • Optimizing images means compressing the images without losing quality for a better mobile experience.
  • Keeping the website layout clean and clutter-free by using ample white space can enhance navigation and draw attention to the main factors.
  • Adopting a mobile-first approach
  • Testing on different devices helps in identifying any operational problems and ensures a seamless experience for all visitors across multiple devices and operating systems.
  • Choosing a font that can maintain its readability across different screen sizes.
  • Using intuitive navigation options like hamburgers or slide-out menus can make it easier for visitors to experience your online store on small screens.
  • Using fewer pop-ups such as banners or slide-in notifications,


Moreover, you can add some product badges from some third-party apps like Product Labels & Badges Shine – ShineTrust to make your products stand out during sales seasons. 

Choose The Right Type Of Promotion


Keep things simple when running e-commerce sales promotions. As you work to make the campaign enticing and simple for customers to understand, be sure it will benefit the business. 


These are six common ecommerce sales promotions with the best conversion rates for your Shopify online store.


  • Percentage Discount: A discount that is based on a percentage is the most common type of discount. Small discounts (5–10% off) and higher discounts (15–25% off) are used by online shops as sales promotions. Brands often give discounts of 50% or more to get rid of old and extra stock.


  • Dollar Amount Discount: You may choose to give a one-time discount rather than a percentage one. You will have a fixed discount amount and more control over your product margins as a result. To increase the chance that customers will use the promotions, these offers can also be offered as credits (take a $15 credit!).


  • Free Shipping: By far, the biggest sales-boosting factor throughout the year is free shipping. A great deal of customers find free shipping to be attractive, and it may greatly improve sales conversions. Free delivery is a popular perk that encourages customers to spend more than they usually would.


  • Threshold Promotions: A threshold offer is a deal that a customer can only access if the quantity of their cart exceeds a specific limit. This may result in bigger orders and more revenues. Free shipping is your best option, but you can run this kind of campaign with a discount, free shipping, or a gift with a purchase.


  • Gift with purchase: A great way of improving the shopping experience and increasing sales is to offer a gift with purchase. The bonus is a little, high-quality item, and customers must finish the checkout process to get it.


  • Contests: Contests are an effective way to increase engagement and email signups, even though they aren’t necessarily sales campaigns. Give those who enter their email address the chance to win a costly prize. After you get their email, you can run some email marketing to encourage them to continue shopping.


These six sales promotions are a great way to start. They are simple to set up, have a clear value, and have a track record of bringing in revenue. 


Additionally, keep all the promotions in mind to limit the time of the sales. However, remember not to use all of them at the same time. Let’s choose the most suitable offers for your Shopify online store.

Simplify The Checkout Process


Having a difficult checkout process can cause visitors to become annoyed and leave. 


Up to 69% of customers leave their carts empty during checkout because it is too complicated. A quick and easy checkout process will greatly increase the number of visitors who convert to your website. In this type of optimization, less information is required from the customers to complete the purchase. 


The process becomes more difficult with each additional piece of information you add, which lowers conversion rates. You can use analytical tools to gather information about your visitors as they browse your website, rather than introducing additional forms for them to fill out.


[H3] Optimizing Live-chat


Success in driving sales for e-commerce businesses comes down to a desire to meet customer expectations and provide greater value. Live chatbots and virtual shopping assistants are essential for this purpose if you want to convert website visitors into purchasing customers for your business.


When visitors engage with digital shopping assistants, the purchasing process is easier and more tailored to their needs. These conversations result in greater user engagement and better purchasing choices.


Businesses can profit from chatbots in a variety of ways, including reducing cart abandonment challenges, building trust with potential customers, and providing information about your business, your items’ features, and the products you sell. They can also greatly increase customer satisfaction and sales!



The fact is that not every trick will be effective for you. To find out which of these strategies is most effective for your Shopify online store, test them out in different combinations.


It will take time and work for this strategy of experimentation to be fully produced, but once it is, you will have a better understanding of your target audience and be able to increase your online store conversions.

In Conclusions

We hope that these useful recommendations will give you a good start on raising sales and Shopify online store conversion rates.



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