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Preparing for Black Friday Cyber Monday: 17 Shopify Experts You Should Try

Preparing for Black Friday Cyber Monday: 17 Shopify Experts You Should Try

Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) are a great chance for businesses to increase sales and engage with customers. To ensure you’re fully prepared for the upcoming BFCM season, we’ve consulted with Shopify experts who have shared their valuable insights and strategies. This article explores their BFCM advice to help you excel during these shopping events.

The Importance of Early Preparation

The Importance of Early Preparation

Shopify experts unanimously stress the significance of early preparation for BFCM. Early preparation allows companies to optimize their websites, update product listings, and fine-tune marketing strategies. 


It also provides ample time to build anticipation among customers through teasers and email campaigns. Ensuring website speed and performance, creating compelling content, and implementing loyalty programs can be time-consuming but crucial for attracting and retaining customers. 


By starting preparations well in advance, businesses can capture the attention of shoppers, maximize sales, and provide a seamless shopping experience during the BFCM rush.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Guide for eCommerce

With the surge in BFCM eCommerce participation comes intense competition, heightened stress, and meticulous preparation. That’s why we’ve expertly crafted this comprehensive Black Friday Cyber Monday guide, designed to minimize your challenges and optimize your BFCM earnings. Let’s get started!

I. Planning

1. Allocate the right amount of BFCM inventory

Black Friday Cyber Monday - Allocate the right amount of BFCM inventory

To kickstart your Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) preparations, it’s crucial to meticulously assess your inventory levels. This entails forecasting the expected surge in demand during this shopping extravaganza. 


Analyze historical sales data, current trends, and market insights to ensure you have an adequate supply of products to meet customer demand. Running out of popular items can lead to missed sales opportunities and customer frustration.

2. Anticipate additional manpower

The heightened activity during BFCM can put a significant strain on your existing workforce. Therefore, early planning for additional staffing is essential. 


Whether it’s hiring temporary employees, extending hours for existing staff, or outsourcing customer support, having a well-prepared team can help manage increased order volumes, customer inquiries, and logistical challenges effectively.

3. Determine your BFCM offers

Black Friday Cyber Monday - Determine your BFCM offers

One of the cornerstones of a successful BFCM strategy is the formulation of enticing offers. This involves more than just randomly slashing prices. Delve into competitive analysis and market research to understand what deals will resonate with your target audience. 


Create a well-rounded promotion plan that includes discounts, bundles, loyalty rewards, or exclusive products. Clear, compelling offers will set you apart in the crowded BFCM marketplace.

II. Start preparing

4. Test and improve your website's performance

Your eCommerce website is the primary gateway to your BFCM sales. Ensure it can handle the anticipated surge in traffic by conducting rigorous performance testing. 


Identify and address any bottlenecks, slow-loading pages, or technical glitches. A slow or unreliable website can frustrate potential customers and lead to missed sales opportunities.

5. Prevent abandoned carts

BFCM advice - Prevent abandoned carts

Cart abandonment is a common challenge during BFCM sales. Implement strategies to reduce this phenomenon by setting up automated abandoned cart recovery emails, offering exit-intent pop-ups with attractive discounts, and streamlining the checkout process. The goal is to make it as effortless as possible for customers to complete their purchases. Consider the ShineTrust app if you want to add cart abandonment feature on your online store. 

6. Optimize for mobile shopping

Mobile shopping continues to grow, so optimizing your website for mobile users is paramount. Ensure that your site is mobile-responsive, loads quickly on mobile devices, and offers a seamless shopping experience. Consider implementing mobile-specific features like one-click checkout to cater to this rapidly expanding customer segment.

7. Generate pre-sale excitement with marketing campaigns for BFCM

Generate pre-sale excitement with marketing campaigns for BFCM

Generating buzz before the BFCM weekend is crucial. Start your marketing campaigns well in advance to capture the attention of potential customers. Utilize teaser campaigns, email newsletters, and social media posts to build excitement and anticipation. Consider offering sneak peeks at your deals to create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to mark their calendars.

8. Promote your Shopify BFCM offers

To successfully promote your Shopify BFCM offers, it’s essential to plan ahead and avoid competing with larger brands that have more significant advertising budgets. Here are some strategies to consider:


  • Announcement Bar: Use a site-wide announcement bar to ensure that your store visitors immediately see your discounts.
  • Exit-Intent Popup: Implement an exit-intent email popup to build your BFCM email list by targeting site visitors who are about to leave.
  • Email Marketing: Set up email automation to reach out to your existing customers and subscribers with your BFCM offers.
  • Web Push Notifications: Send a sequence of web push messages leading up to your BFCM sale to create anticipation.
  • Social Media Marketing: Promote your BFCM offers on your social media accounts, using attention-grabbing images to engage your audience.
  • Social and Search Advertising: Utilize paid campaigns to build an audience for your BFCM pre-launch page. Retarget this audience when the sale begins, emphasizing a sense of urgency around the deals.

III. Anticipation

9. Offer exclusive pre-sales to your top loyal customers

Offer exclusive pre-sales to your top loyal customers

Show your appreciation to your top customers and brand loyalists by offering them an exclusive pre-sale experience. 


Send personalized invitations, early access codes, or loyalty program perks to make them feel valued and appreciated. This not only fosters customer loyalty but also drives early sales momentum.

10. Create precise social ads tailored to your audience.

Leverage the power of social media advertising to reach your specific audience segments. Utilize the rich data and targeting options provided by platforms like Facebook and Instagram to create tailored ad campaigns. 


Craft messaging that aligns with the interests and preferences of each segment, maximizing the relevance of your ads and increasing the chances of conversion.

11. Get more sales with upselling offers

Get more sales with upselling offers

Boosting your Black Friday Cyber Monday sales on your Shopify store can be achieved effectively through upselling.


Upselling is a sales strategy that encourages customers to spend more by presenting them with upgraded or higher-priced versions of the products they’re already interested in. 

During your Black Friday sale, consider implementing upsell offers to entice customers to purchase higher-priced items. Statistics show that upselling can increase revenue by an average of 10 to 30%.

IV. Sales

12. Boost traffic with a must-have doorbuster sale

To grab the attention of potential customers, create at least one irresistible “doorbuster” deal that serves as the centerpiece of your BFCM promotion. Highlight this deal prominently on your website and in your marketing materials to draw shoppers in and encourage them to explore your other offers.

13. Make customer experience a priority

Make customer experience a priority

Outstanding customer service is non-negotiable during BFCM. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, provide clear and transparent information about shipping and returns, and ensure that the overall shopping experience is smooth and hassle-free. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your brand.

14. Build last-minute deals to attract last-minute shoppers

As the Black Friday Cyber Monday period progresses, don’t forget about the procrastinators. Create new, time-limited offers or extend existing ones to capture the attention of last-minute shoppers who are actively seeking late-breaking deals. This approach can help maximize your sales opportunities right up until the last moment.

15. Continue converting your BFCM shoppers

BFCM advice - Continue converting your BFCM shoppers

Even after the BFCM sale ends, there will be late shoppers looking for deals. To continue converting these potential customers, employ strategies like displaying live discounts or offers through a coupon window when they visit your store. 


Encourage them to subscribe to your updates so you can share special deals or redirect them to your homepage featuring best-selling items. Just like Amazon, make sure not to let these late shoppers leave without attempting to convert them.

V. Analytics

16. Ask your customers for reviews and ratings

Leveraging customer reviews and ratings is a powerful strategy during the Black Friday Cyber Monday sale. Encourage shoppers to share their feedback and ratings for the products they’ve purchased, and consider requesting them to provide user-generated content, such as product photos. 


To implement this strategy, you can reach out to your BFCM customers through various channels, including email, web push notifications, or Facebook Messenger. This approach can help you gather valuable social proof and strengthen customer trust, leading to increased sales.

17. Track and measure performance

Track and measure performance

To make informed decisions and optimize your Black Friday Cyber Monday strategy, continually monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs). These may include sales data, website traffic, conversion rates, and customer behavior.


Utilize analytics tools to gain insights into what’s working and what needs adjustment. Be prepared to make real-time adjustments to your strategy based on these insights to ensure a successful BFCM sales period.

It’s time to act now

In short, a successful BFCM strategy requires meticulous planning, optimization, and a customer-centric approach. By incorporating the insights and BFCM advice from Shopify experts, you can position your e-commerce business for a prosperous holiday season. 


Start early, optimize every aspect of your operation, and deliver a seamless shopping experience to maximize your sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Remember, your journey to success begins with the actions you take today.



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