Origin Theme – A chic theme created for creators offering original items

Origin theme

The most obvious factor to take into account when choosing a theme for your shop is how it will look. And what a fantastic place to start!

You should seek elsewhere if the design of a certain theme offends you or doesn’t match your brand. Just like that.

The most recent theme to be added to Shopify is called Origin. Its distinctive typeface, which is uncommon in eCommerce businesses, is completely FREE to use. Origin works well for businesses that sell singular items or made-to-order goods. As a result, the style incorporates a distinguishing highlighted product segment in the header section. Simply put, the theme is perfect for custom items that demand a vibrant combination of images and instructive or promotional sections to efficiently and artistically tell your brand’s narrative.

The theme is perfect for individuals who want to launch quickly because it has very few features and offers little room for modification.

The In-depth Reviews


Origin theme - Shopify

Origin is a free Shopify theme that has a constrained selection of designs and features. But you can customise this theme to your liking and use its many adaptable elements to build the layout you want without changing a single line of code. The typographical elements of the Origin Shopify theme highlight your products and services in greater detail, making it the perfect theme for single or customised products. The theme also works flawlessly with Online Store 2.0, making it superior in terms of performance, customization, and design.

Origin Shopify Theme Highlights





Ideal For

Garden store or any kind of store intact

Best Suited for Niches

This theme’s UI is incredibly attractive and simple to customise. When I was constructing it, I had no problems, and I still don’t. Anyone wishing to open a garden store or any other type of store intact would have my full endorsement of this concept.

Best Suited for Inventory Sizes

For Shopify stores with a single product or product type and a small inventory size, the Origin theme works best.

Origin Shopify Theme - Pros and Cons



Perfect design for retailers selling a single item

Lack of sophisticated features linked to conversion

Alternatives for advanced customisation

Speed testing and approval

Origin Shopify Theme Design - Features And Customization

Origin is a simple, minimalistic Shopify theme that provides a refined and user-friendly shopping experience, making it perfect for online shops that want to highlight goods with eye-catching graphics, like art, photography, or clothing.

Let’s talk about some of the key components of the Origin Shopify theme.


Origin theme - Homepage

Simple, uncomplicated footer with all necessary sections for quick links, info, logos, social icons, newsletter, and more. Minimalist home page with a straightforward drop-down menu section, blockwise collection listing with zoom images, featured products and collections sections, promo sections with full-width images and videos, icon support, and featured blogs.

Product Page

Origin theme - Product page

A neat product page includes the product title, tabs, description, product quantity, and recommended section.

Additional theme features include in-store pickups, cart notes, blogs, quick view and buy, cross-selling popups, image galleries, lookbooks, mega menus, sticky headers, and others. 


Origin theme - Cart

There are automatically some items and a section for the subtotal on the cart page.

Social Media

Origin theme - Social Media

In your blog entries and items, you may include social media sharing buttons and links. In the footer of your online store, you may find connections to your social media pages.

Journal/Blog page

Origin theme - Journal

You may highlight all of your blogs in this area by showing the first 55 words of each blog’s snippet.

Contact us

Origin theme - Contact

All entries will be delivered to the email address connected to your shop by the sender.


  • A full-width page design with a muted colour scheme and unexpectedly quirky typography adds a whimsical and playful touch.
  • A mega menu, an announcement bar, store icons, social media icons, and other items are all present in the simple, minimalist menu section.
  • Supports a sticky header with a logo section that is centred.
  • Quick view, Cart notes, Slide out Cart, Product Recommendation, Multiple Image Effects, Product Tabs, Mega Menu, Sticky header, Usage information, and other design features
  • Enhanced search, strong filters, product videos, lookbooks, high-resolution images, FAQ pages, promotion banners, in-store pickups, quick buys, and more conversion-boosting features
  • Origin Theme offers a cutting-edge and attractive blog layout for supremacy in content marketing.
  • Supports full-width promotional segments for all pages, including Home, Collection, and Product, including images and videos.
  • The design of the product page is intended to increase sales; it includes compelling product images and videos (with contrasting thumbnails), variant options, size charts, product tabs, brand information, featured blogs, related products, and more.
  • Consists of a straightforward, clean footer section with all required sections for quick links, brand information, newsletter opt-ins, social icons, payment options, and other things.

Benefits of the theme of "Origin"

  • Stock counter, cart notes, press coverage, image effects (zoom, galleries), product options, slide presentations, etc.


For novices who want to scale up later, Origin is perfect. The theme is free, but it offers several industry-leading features to boost sales. Some of these features include a Mega menu, product selections, product videos, promotion banners, shipping and delivery details, product reviews, etc.

Origin Shopify theme support

Be careful to understand the scope of the help provided before making any modifications to your theme. If you need help making adjustments, you may use the Origin Shopify theme support.

Consult the list of extra resources for theme support provided by the developer if you want to make substantial modifications to your theme.

You might be able to edit your free Shopify theme with the assistance of Shopify support.


Origin is a FREE Shopify theme that was just recently added to the theme store. However, it could take some time for vendors and developers to completely test it out and post responses to some of the most frequently asked questions on the subject. The “Origin” theme is the one to use if your brand needs a strong, daring theme to guide it. Try it without risk, as it is free!