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International Men’s Day, Reasons To Celebrate

International Men’s Day, Reasons To Celebrate

International Men’s Day (IMD) happens on November 19 in numerous nations worldwide. Is it appropriate to celebrate a male-only celebration at a time when efforts are being made to close the gender gap that affects women in the civil, social, and professional spheres? 


To truly understand this, we must go back in time and discover the beginnings of an event aiming to celebrate the role that men have played in the political, social, economic, and cultural achievements that have taken place throughout history.


The first actions to celebrate men were launched in the early 1990s, going back to the 1960s debates in which journalists like John P. Harris questioned the imbalance created by the creation of an International Day for Women, which was later officially recognized by the UN in recognition of the lack of a holiday for men. 


However, the plan was not well received and came to an almost immediate stop everywhere, except for Malta, where IMD was always observed in February rather than November 19 as was later established internationally, starting in 1994.

Why Should We Celebrate International Men's Day?

It might be awkwardly placed next to National Grandparents Day (October 4) or Carers’ Day (November 21). But just as other more “obvious” groups require celebration and support, so do males.


Men Are Diverse To Have International Men's Day

Men are the same as women. Even while there is still a common misunderstanding of the adventurous cowboy in some people’s minds, most of us can see from a quick scan of social media that we now represent the whole range, from super alpha to super beta and all points in between and beyond. 


The whole idea of binary gender divides and what it means to be a “man” is being called into question more and more by gender fluidity.


Men are nonetheless limited by stereotype danger, on the end of the scale. Some call this conforming to society’s ideal of what a guy ought to be, “toxic masculinity.” This is ineffective in particular situations because it may strengthen the link between toxicity and certain non-toxic male characteristics. The idea is that identity comes from a severe version of typically masculine characteristics, such as violence or defensiveness.

Everyone Must Feel Engaged

A lot of identity theory depends on ideas of the “other,” the notion that we find it simpler to identify what we are not than what we are when we lack confidence or are afraid. Because of this, men may be able to suppress their emotions and resist showing support. Because boys aren’t emotional.


Some men feel that they are ‘not fem,’ that they are most definitely not sissies and that they are not seen as gay. Those who are truly afraid may feel temporarily and superficially more confident as a result of this “othering.” 


Artificial security is provided as long as there is some “other” who is thought to be “less” than them. Nonetheless, the need to identify our identities and positions in the world is still a true and basic human urge. All of us, men and women.

Please, More Empathy

We must show empathy to people who don’t seem to need it. Just like women, men also need to live up to the expectations of society and other people. However, we must ask ourselves why boys are failing academically, there are a lot of males in prison, and suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 50.


Men find it much more difficult to show emotion because it goes against their expected gender roles. Therefore, it’s wonderful to have a day that honors the diversity of men and serves as a reminder to all of us that stereotypes do not have to confine men in the same way that they do to women.


Other versions—kinder, more free versions—that young guys can look up to and emulate are what we need to offer.

Reducing The Danger Of Stereotypes

Building a house, planting a tree, and having children are the three things that define a man, according to German Men’s Rights Activist (MRA) Philip Tanzer. He is an important part of the underground internet male rights movement known as the “Manosphere.”


His rage is directed towards men who have lost their children due to custody battles. His colleagues point out that in the UK, it is not illegal for women to rape men. Even though women account for a very small proportion of rapists and the majority of domestic violence victims are still women, there is a perception that male victims are not given enough credit.


For many MRA activists, feminism is to blame for their “othering.” One of the main themes of the 2019 International Conference on Men’s Issues addressed feminism. However, IMD might bring attention to matters of real concern that frequently do not receive the attention they merit. It might provide an alternative to the polarizing gender politics and burgeoning movements that are being appropriated by the far right.

Challenging Male Stereotypes And Gender Tropes

International Men’s Day can put other narratives to the test. It could be just as harmful to assume that all men should reject masculinity as it is to assume that all men must become fathers and create houses. Men do experience domestic abuse, have parental rights, and unfulfilled mental health needs. 


A lot of men are living silent lives of desperation. It does not help to confuse poisonous features with wants that are real.


Rather than demonizing differences, we ought to be able to celebrate them. Obama recently made the argument that religiosity is counterproductive. “Casting stones” does not enact change and is not activism. It exacerbates polarization.

Providing Role Models And Offering Choice

Men who challenge stereotype threat can be celebrated on International Men’s Day (IMD) if the goal of the event is to celebrate women’s achievements in the face of sexism. Though considerably less likely to acknowledge it, men are just as vulnerable and lonely as women.

In Conclusion

Many successful males have attained success without disparaging women or dividing communities, as we can see in the book Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different


International Men’s Day may be more about celebrating male diversity to give vulnerable men an honest choice and hope for the future, rather than about “othering” women and simplifying misogyny. It is appropriate to celebrate International Men’s Day.


Let’s make a plan and prepare for the International Men’s Day campaign from now on!

Picture of Laelia


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