5 Best Shopify Facebook Apps (With In-depth Reviews)

5 Best Shopify Facebook Apps (With In-depth Reviews)

Have you ever wondered how those Shopify businesses out there possess outstanding performance using Facebook ads to attract new customers? Meanwhile, you struggle to find the most suitable way to develop your brand. 

Let us discover the top 5 Shopify Facebook apps that can supercharge your e-commerce business – a secret to any successful businesses on this platform. Choose the perfect Shopify Facebook app to elevate your online store’s success and unlock new growth opportunities. 

An Overview of the Best Shopify Facebook Apps

LogoApp NamePricingFree TrialRating
Omega ‑ Multi Facebook Pixels
From $12.99/month✔️Yes
(7 days)
Pixelfy: Multi Facebook Pixels
From $5.99/month✔️Yes
(7 days)
Trackify X Facebook PixelFrom $29.99/month✔️Yes
(14 days)
OnePixel Facebook Pixel, TikTokFree plan available. From $9.90/month✔️Yes
(7 days)
PingMe Facebook Messenger ChatFree plan available. From $6/month✔️Yes
(7 days)

The In-depth Reviews

5 Best Shopify Facebook Apps (With In-depth Reviews)

#1. Omega ‑ Multi Facebook Pixels

Similar to Pixelfy, Omega helps users install and manage multiple Facebook pixels on their Shopify stores, empowering them to track conversions, optimize ad campaigns, and gain valuable insights into customer behavior.

One standout feature of Omega is its versatility in supporting various pixel types, including standard events, custom conversions, and dynamic ads. This flexibility allows businesses to track a wide range of user actions and interactions. It enables them to make data-driven decisions and create highly targeted advertising strategies. Additionally, Omega’s advanced pixel management capabilities allow users to segment and retarget specific audiences based on their interactions with the store. As a result, the potential for increased conversions and sales can be maximized.

With its affordable $12.99 per month, Omega ensures that businesses of all sizes can harness the power of multiple Facebook pixels to drive successful advertising campaigns without straining their budgets.

Key features:

  • Set up Facebook Pixel in 2 mins with all events auto-tracked. No login. No code
  • Speed up learning phase with intelligent data from browser Pixel + server CAPI (IOS14)
  • Optimize ROAS with a real-time UTM attribution report that tracks every ad
  • Save hours of manual product updates with automated Catalogs or live Feed Links
  • Manage multiple master or niche, collection pixels with an intuitive dashboard


  • Two owls: $12.99/month or $101.40/year and save 35%
5 Best Shopify Facebook Apps (With In-depth Reviews)

#2. Pixelfy: Multi Facebook Pixels

Pixelfy: Multi Facebook Pixels is designed to help businesses optimize their Facebook advertising efforts. You can easily install and manage multiple Facebook pixels on your Shopify store, enabling you to track conversions, target specific audiences, and measure the effectiveness of your Facebook campaigns.

One outstanding feature of Pixelfy is its ability to create custom pixel events, allowing you to track and analyze customer behavior in detail. This feature provides valuable insights into user interactions, such as product views, add-to-cart actions, and purchases. Vendors can refine their marketing strategies and deliver personalized experiences by understanding customer behavior.

Pixelfy is an ideal choice for startups and beginners due to its affordability and user-friendly interface. With a straightforward “copy and paste” installation process, even those with limited technical expertise can quickly set up and utilize the app. With Pixelfy, newcomers can confidently enter the realm of Facebook marketing and establish a solid foundation for their online business. 

Key features:

  • Add & manage multiple Facebook pixels, Taboola pixels, Tiktok pixels, and more
  • Conversions API iOS14 tracking
  • No coding experience required – simply copy & paste your pixel ID into the app
  • This app integrates perfectly with any theme you are using


  • Plus: $5.99/month
  • Pro: $7.99/month
5 Best Shopify Facebook Apps (With In-depth Reviews)

#3. Trackify X Facebook Pixel

Trackify X Facebook Pixel goes beyond traditional pixel tracking by providing access to powerful Server-side API purchase events. With Trackify X, users can seamlessly integrate and utilize the Server-side API to track purchases accurately, even when customers complete transactions outside their Shopify stores.

One remarkable feature of Trackify X is its ability to leverage the Server-side API purchase events. This advanced functionality allows businesses to track purchases on external platforms or systems and accurately attribute them to their Facebook ad campaigns. By capturing and syncing data from various sources, Trackify X ensures businesses have a comprehensive view of their customers’ purchase activities. It enables them to optimize their ad targeting and maximize their return on investment.

Trackify X goes the extra mile compared to normal Shopify Facebook apps by offering an intuitive interface and user-friendly setup process. This makes it accessible to businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises. Moreover, the range of pricing plans is vast, which is convenient for businesses to choose the most suitable one. 

Key features:

  • Tracks Server-Side API Purchase & Non-Purchase events for niche & collections
  • Create refined custom audiences based on niche, collection, date, & time data
  • Added Events: View Category, Customize Product, View Cart Lead, Shipping Info
  • Create reliable reports for each pixel, tag, collection, product, & UTM tag
  • Build and create highly targeted custom & look-a-like audiences


  • Basic Shopify: $29.99/month
  • Shopify: $59.99/month
  • Advanced: $99.99/month
  • Plus: $199.99/month
5 Best Shopify Facebook Apps (With In-depth Reviews)

#4. OnePixel Facebook Pixel, TikTok

OnePixel Facebook Pixel is an advanced Shopify app designed to enhance businesses’ advertising efforts by providing robust tracking capabilities. 

The standout feature of Conversion-API tracking sets OnePixel apart from other Shopify Facebook apps’ traditional pixel tracking methods. By directly sending event data to platforms like Facebook and other advertising channels, businesses can overcome data loss caused by privacy measures and ensure accurate attribution and targeting. This ensures that businesses comprehensively understand their campaign performance and can make data-driven decisions to maximize their advertising impact.

OnePixel Facebook Pixel is particularly beneficial for businesses relying heavily on platforms like Facebook for advertising. With Conversion-API tracking, businesses can track conversions and gather data even when users use iOS devices or enable ad blockers. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of campaign performance. As a result, Businesses can quickly make informed decisions, refine targeting strategies, and maximize their advertising impact.

Key features:

  • Automatically install multiple social pixels to your website with no coding
  • Bypass iOS 14 & ad blocks with conversion-API for Facebook, Google, and TikTok
  • Add pixels to your website without account connection and authentication
  • Instantly build multiple Facebook Custom Audience & Lookalike Audience Lists
  • Track all events: Page view, View content, Add to cart, Checkout, Purchase, etc


  • Starter: free
  • Standard: $9.90/month
  • Professional: $19.90/month
  • Advanced: $29.90/month
5 Best Shopify Facebook Apps (With In-depth Reviews)

#5. PingMe Facebook Messenger Chat

PingMe Facebook Messenger Chat enables businesses to integrate Facebook Messenger directly into their online stores. With PingMe, businesses can connect with customers, provide real-time support, and drive engagement, all within the familiar and convenient platform of Facebook Messenger.

One notable feature of PingMe is its effortless integration with Facebook Messenger, allowing businesses to extend their customer service capabilities and offer instant assistance to shoppers. Businesses can address customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and resolve real-time issues by enabling live chat functionality. This instant connection fosters a personalized and interactive shopping experience, increasing customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

PingMe Facebook Messenger Chat suits businesses of all sizes, from small online retailers to large enterprises. As long as you use Messenger Chat as a tool to communicate with your customers by advising and taking orders, you will need PingMe. PingMe equips you with the tools to deliver exceptional customer service and build long-lasting relationships.

Key features:

  • Live chat widget for a better customer support experience and increase in sales
  • Centralize all customers engagement in one place – easier remarketing
  • Engage with customers anytime at every touchpoint with insightful analytics
  • Take care of your customers 24/7 and reach them even when they leave the website
  • Beautiful and modern chat widget suits all themes


  • Basic: Free
  • Premium: $6/month
  • Holiday Crazy Deal: $2.49/month


In conclusion, the world of e-commerce and social media integration has become increasingly intertwined. It makes Shopify Facebook apps essential tools for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. The five Shopify Facebook apps we have explored in this article offer a range of powerful features and functionalities to optimize your Facebook presence, engage with your audience, and drive sales. Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, these Shopify Facebook apps are invaluable resources to supercharge your online business and maximize your success in the digital realm.


Changes to product details in Shopify are automatically synced to Facebook. You can change how a product's image, title, or price is displayed on Facebook by editing the product in Shopify. You will see your changes appear on Facebook after your product sync, which usually takes a few minutes.

If you're struggling to connect your Facebook Business Page with Shopify, it's because your page is connected with a different Business Manager. Hence, you want to ensure you have the correct Business Manager connected.